Transitioning from Helpdesk to Cyber Security or Cloud Engineering: A Step-by-Step Guide

Management must invest in training for both technical and soft skills to attain those more advanced skill sets. This investment can pay off rapidly, as it creates a path of advancement for support staff to later transition into application ownership or engineering. Find a mentor that will help you understand the ins and outs of the technology that your organization is utilizing and sit in on any architecture or design meetings that you can.

Most help desks offer in-app saved replies, the ability to access knowledge bases, and automatic ticket assignment. With fewer extraneous things to focus on, your team can spend more time and energy writing the best responses to your customers. The next step is training on the new services via efficient communication and coordination between the two parties. The project team should allocate some time, according to the designed strategy, to train the service desk on the new/updated service. This will enable the service desk to provide independent service handling.

The New Pathway: Data

You can also correlate different metrics to see how one impacts the other. For instance, you might notice customer satisfaction going up as your handle time goes down. “Have you tried turning it off and then back on again?” is no longer the first question a help desk technician should ask. As the switchover date approaches, give your team access to the new help desk (in a staging environment or test account), so they can familiarize themselves with the interface. Check through your current help desk, and make a list of all the incoming support options. Before launching the migration, disable all integrations, e.g., email, Facebook, Twitter, chat, etc.

necessary steps to take to transistion into a help desk engineer

You’ll work alongside many people along the way – both internally and with whatever solution you choose – to get the technology working to meet your needs. It can be a long process but once the solution is up and running, your company and customers will notice a dramatic improvement in communication and efficiency. To go beyond the top of the ladder would be to become a C-level executive, Director, Independent Consultant, Analyst or VP. Some people work for 30 years and don’t get to the metaphorical ‘top of the ladder’.

From help desk to Network Engineer, is that right???

But, as a sysadmin, you’ll also likely be called on to bring deeper expertise in particular systems and tools than you do as a help desk tech. These could include internal systems, “crossover” technologies, or growth-oriented technologies. There are so many paths a technology career can take – and many of them intertwine.

For instance, you could offer no-questions-asked mental health days or require that people take a certain amount of vacation every year. Proactively finding ways to work against burnout and recognizing the signs in your team members is one of the best things you can do while managing a help desk team. No matter how many great features a product has, none of them are going to get used if the interface is hard to work with. It’s vital that anyone who is going to be working in the help desk every day feels excited about it. If there’s anything in the user interface that your team doesn’t like or that doesn’t feel intuitive, it could cause issues with your help desk procedures down the road.